California Dreamin' Day 2

California Dreamin' Day 2

Day 2: Misty beaches, a biker hangout & beautiful Santa Barbara


With less than 24 hours to go on our Cali adventure, we decided to start the day off bright and early with a walk along Zuma beach. The beach was covered in a golden misty haze and watching the surfers pause at the waters edge before stepping in, was like a witnessing a sacred ritual. We sat and watched for a while as they carefully selected the perfect wave and let others merely pass them by. 

Without missing a beat we were on the road and headed up the PCH when we passed a sea of bikers and a quick glance at a sign that read: Neptune’s Net. I’d read the tales of this little road side establishment and we wanted in! The scene is something out of Sons of Anarchy. Bikes line the exterior and the roar of the engines is almost deafening. We hopped in line and ordered. There is no set seating so if you’re with someone else I’d advise you divide and conquer. Erich ordered the King Crab and almost instantaneously transformed into Anthony Bourdain; describing every bite as if the cameras were rolling (they were). 

After lunch we were back on the road, and headed to our destination for the day: Santa Barbara. Neither of us had been, so it was open for exploring! Its Spanish influence is apparent from the moment you arrive. Colorful tiles line the stairs and buildings, stark white paint contrasts with the mountains in the background and there are beautiful flowers and succulents at every turn. At first glance you might think you have Santa Barbara all figured out but you’ll quickly find its got an artsy side. We happened upon an incredible 3 story vintage store called The Blue Door. It is an absolute must see if you visit. The curation leaves you feeling like you are looking an editorial magazine. It’s the perfect mix of old and modern and it will take everything in you not to buy it all. After all that shopping you might want to grab a drink at Municipal Winemakers. The decor alone is worth a quick pop in! 

We spent the rest of the day soaking in the sights, the art and the great vintage signs. As our day came to a close we got back on the PCH and headed towards LA. A word of advice if you have the time, ignore the GPS and stay on State Route 1. The sunset alone is worth it, but if you’re in luck you might even happen upon the most perfect little VW bus sitting pretty waiting for her close up.