Life With Falcon


Life With Falcon

Erich left his heart in Venice.... so we go visit it every year. 

LA has become a bit of a tradition for us. It was the first trip we ever took as a couple (which side note can we discuss how critical that first trip together is and how telling it can be of any relationship?) So naturally We've got a sweet spot in our hearts for the sunshine, sand, and perfect palm trees. It's probably safe to say that if we lived in sunny California, we'd take up residence in the Venice/Santa Monica area. If you haven't been before make sure to pencil in a full day on the boardwalk and do the following!

1) Take in all of the characters on the pier

2)Rent a cruiser (fairly inexpensive) and ride down the boardwalk or if you're a fan of skateboarding be sure to bring your your board because it doesn't get any better than this! 

3)Skateboard fan or not, be sure to check out the skate park and all of the guys working on their best moves, its a sight to see. You might even catch the famous skateboarding pup! 

4)Connect with your inner child and play in the playground or hop on a rollercoaster ride or the ferris wheel.

5) Wander into the Venice canals and check out the beautiful homes and scenery

6)Stroll down Abbot Kinney for window shopping, or if like me you have a shopping problem, real shopping!

7)If you're hungry, my money is on Blue Plate Taco, the food is delicious! Another great option is Gjelina, but be sure to make a reservation well in advance, this ones a Kinney hotspot. 

8) Lastly, keep your eyes peeled for the amazing classic cars (this goes for anywhere in Cali) They are so beautiful, usually in perfect condition and almost always make for a great photo op. 

If you're looking for somewhere to stay the Inn at Venice Beach is adorable. The location is top notch, there's parking, and the rooms are serious eye candy. Another favorite is the Line Hotel. Located in K-town, it's all kinds of Cali cool. Pops of color, concrete, and greenhouse restaurants set the tone for your stay if you chose this route!

If you need any recommendations, don't hesitate to reach out! We'd love to help!